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As one, your voice may not be heard.

As many, your voice can't be ignored.


Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact Our Community!


 you can make a difference





It's high time the government of the people, by the people, for the people has an elected official that listens, understands and has the best interest of its people in mind.


Solutions don't come easy. By listening and talking about ideas and taking steps toward finding solutions and common ground will ensure a better community. Join Bob in making our city and community a better, more inclusive and enviable place to live.  



                                                                          Working together, we can make it happen.

Bob is available at any time for town hall meetings, coffee hours or to meet personally with any resident or group, please call for availability.



Thank you for visiting  Bob Rossi's website.


 Please do not hesitate to contact me directly, through this web-site or through the Agawam City Council Office, 36 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 Telephone 413-786-0400 Ext. 8716 or


Please (scroll down) fill out the following form to request information about the Agawam City Council, my projects, or to provide feedback concerning any issue.


When you are finished, click the 'Submit' button to send me your message. 

Please include times of day or methods of convenience in which you prefer to be contacted. I will try to address your concerns as quickly as possible.


Thank you for your time.


Bob Rossi

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